2018-2023 Recap Speed run Part 1 Career

 Joined this company in 2015 November.

As someone doing product registration to the so called master slave of the company.

Sound good but in reality you need to do everything by yourself, every little things are related to you and you have to take ownership of everything. 

God bless i have Princess to help me.

I see people come and go.

I stayed long enough to see a lot of things mostly bad one.

Made a lot of friends, knew a lot of mentors.

Experienced the bad side of people and have the opportunity to meet someone nice also.

But for the sake of surviving, i have to hang on.

No point bragging about negativity because it doesn't really help...

I always tell those colleague who i worked with.

Do whatever you can which is within your control.

For those which you can't control, you influence them.

If all things does not work, lets step back and let the shit hits the fan...

For whatever it take to have a successful and happy work life.

2023 Domokun


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